Cabin Instruments

Instrument | Measured properties and range | Principal investigator and institution |
Hera4HALO High volume particle sampler | Properties of ice nucleating particles and aerosol chemical composition | Stratmann/Herrmann TROPOS |
HALO-CVI Counterflow Virtual Impactor inlet on the bottom fuselage with CPC/UHSAS/PSAP | Cloud residual number concentration, absorption coefficient, size distribution from 65 nm – 1 µm | Mertes TROPOS |
ALABAMA Aircraft-based Laser Ablation Aerosol Mass Spectrometer | Chemical composition of aerosol and cloud residuals > 150 nm | Schneider/Borrmann MPI-C/Uni Mainz |
AMETYST Aerosol MEasuremenT SYSTem with CPCs/PSAP/SP2xr | Size distribution of total and non-volatile aerosol, 4 nm – 2 µm, absorption, black carbon | Sauer DLR |
UHSAS Ultra-High Sensitivity Aerosol Spectrometer | Aerosol properties 70 nm – 2 µm | Pöhlker, Pöschl MPI-C |
SMART-Albedometer Spectral Modular Airborne Radiation Measurement System | Spectral radiance, spectral irradiance 350 – 2200 nm | Wendisch Uni Leipzig |
BACARDI Broadband AirCrAft RaDiometer Instrumentation Pyrgeometer and Proanometer | Broadband SW and LW radiation fluxes | Wendisch/Giez Uni Leipzig/DLR |
BAHAMAS BAsic HAlo Measurement And Sensor system | basic meteorological parameters like pressure, temperature, 3-D wind vector; aircraft position and attitude | Giez DLR |
BCPD Backscatter Cloud Probe with Polarization Detection | Particle number and size, 2 µm – 50 µm | Jurkat-Witschas/Voigt DLR |
specMACS | Hyperspectral and angular SW radiance (400 – 2500 nm); wide-angle polarized imaging | Mayer, Zinner LMU |
WALES high spectral resolution lidar with H2O differential absorption channel | H2O profile, aerosol/cirrus extinction, depolarization, lidar/colour ratio | Wirth DLR |
AIMS-H2O Airborne H2O Mass Spectrometer | H2O, gas phase water, 1 – 500 ppm | Kaufmann, Voigt DLR |
FISH Lyman-α Fluorescence Hygrometer | H2O, total or gas phase water, 1 – 1000 ppm | Krämer FZJ |
SHARC Sophisticated Hygrometer for Atmospheric ResearCh TDL | H2O, gas phase water, 4 – 40000 ppm | Zöger DLR |
WARAN Water Vapor Analyzer, Tunable Diode Laser Hygrometer | H2O, total or gas phase water, 50(1) – 40000 ppm | Marsing, Voigt DLR |
AENEAS AtmosphEric Nitrogen oxides mEAsuring System chemiluminescence detector | NO, NOy, aircraft tracer, 5 ppt – 60 ppb | Ziereis DLR |
PICARRO Cavity ring-down spectroscopy | Trace gas concentrations of CO, CO2, CH4 | Klausner DLR |
FAIRO Fast AIRborne Ozone monitor | O3 | Zahn KIT |
Dropsondes | Temperature profile, humidity | Kaufmann DLR |
Exterior Instruments

Instrument | Measured properties and range | Principal investigator and institution |
CAS-DPOL Cloud and Aerosol Spectrometer | Particle size distribution, polarization, 0.6 – 50 µm | Voigt DLR |
CCP (CDP/CIP) Cloud Combination Probe | Particle size distribution, shape; CDP 3 – 50 µm, CIP 15 – 960 µm | Voigt Uni Mainz |
NIXE-CAPS (CAS-DPOL/CIP) Cloud and Aerosol Spectrometer | Particle size distribution, shape, polarization; CAS 0.6 – 50 µm, CIP 15 – 960 µm | Krämer FZJ |
PHIPS Particle Habit Imaging and Polar Scattering Probe | Particle size distribution, phase function, 10 – 1000 µm | Järvinen KIT |
SID-3 Small Ice Detector mark 3 | Particle size distribution, complexity, 5 – 50 µm | Järvinen KIT |
PCASP-100X Passive Cavity Aerosol Spectrometer Probe | Aerosol size distribution, 0.12 – 3.5 µm | Sauer DLR |
MTP Microwave Temperature Profiler | Microwave radiance at 56.363, 57.612 and 58.363 GHz for temperature profile | Tomsche DLR |